Kenji Mizoguchi's "Sansho dayu" (1954)
English titles: Legend of Bailiff Sansho, Sansho the Bailiff, The Bailiff

Nature, diagonals, water... Everything is expressive. One of the most beautiful dialogues in all cinema:
Symmetries constantly broken, there is almost always an angle to the shots, it's very rarely head-on. There's perspective. There's distance. "It's a cold world indeed" says someone in Sancho Dayu, "Isn't life torture?" sings another, "A man is not a human being without mercy. Even if you're hard on yourself, be merciful to others." teaches someone.
Through Mizoguchi, we learn to seek something extraordinary...
Nature, diagonals, water... Everything is expressive. One of the most beautiful dialogues in all cinema:
– It's my mother's voice.
– No, it's the sound of the waves.
Symmetries constantly broken, there is almost always an angle to the shots, it's very rarely head-on. There's perspective. There's distance. "It's a cold world indeed" says someone in Sancho Dayu, "Isn't life torture?" sings another, "A man is not a human being without mercy. Even if you're hard on yourself, be merciful to others." teaches someone.
Through Mizoguchi, we learn to seek something extraordinary...